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Sunday, 19 June 2011

LulzSec offering to help Sega?

This week Sega was hacked by an unknown group of hackers ( Not LulzSec). Sega confirmed that the personal information of 1.29m users names, addresses, email addresses and passwords were stolen. Sega stresses not to worry though because payment information wasn't involved in the incident.

Lulzsec beloved console 

After the attack LulzSecurity tweeted Sega "We want to help you destroy the hackers that attacked you. We love the Dreamcast these people are going down." Would be funny to see Sega asking LulzSec for help...


  1. Not sure what i think of LulzSec, doing some good but mostly bad

  2. i gotta say i love the dreamcast myself and as for LulsSec i don't even believe you can do anything about it.

  3. Haha LulzSec, sometimes you gotta love them.

  4. It obviously won't happen, but it's funny nonetheless. I love the dreamcast too!

  5. Lulzsec was once for lulz, people were laughing, but eventually they got out of hand and now they are doing things simply because it's own want and desire, meh.

    I don't see any big sega problems, I could care less at the moment.
    Nice post though.

  6. I'm just glad they didn't get my credit card info. I hope that LulzSec gets those fuckers.

  7. sega should make a new console ...sorry for half related comment

  8. LulzSec could use some kind of positive PR right now too anyway

  9. Well I guess that's nice to offer help

  10. Passwords? I wonder if that's correct. It's not proper security to actually store a password, instead you encode the password with a random piece of information attached (like a static number, or date of registration). And every time you enter your password, it is converted and compared to the encrypted version.

    Although, if they stole the right information they may be able to reverse the algorithm and get the raw password. Afraid I don't know enough to answer that question myself.

    Interesting post though, I don't look into this sort of thing on my own.

  11. just right when i was starting to like sega (nintendo fan boy here)

  12. Lulzsec, I dont even know what to think

  13. It would be interesting to see for sure.

  14. Anyone else think it's fishy that this happened while spiral knights hit, which uses segapass. guys knew what they were waiting for.

  15. What kind of accounts are people making with Sega anyway?


  16. LulzSec is classified as Greyhat, after all, so it makes sense that they'll go ahead and defend some people, though.

    Don't know why they choose to defend Sega and Nintendo, though; the companies haven't released anything groundbreaking (outside of causal gaming) for years.

    Why would they choose to defend any company? I'm not a "every company sucks" person, but seriously, they're only there for your money. Sort of like favouring retail over digital distribution - they're only there for money, at least ones honest about it.

  17. Why sega,
    what did they ever do to anyone?

  18. Helping Sega... "4 da lulz"? Doesn't make much sense, but I love Sega, anyway.

  19. I don't understand why they would attack sega, surely they have better targets.
